Helikon-Tex EXFIL Bag - Shadow Grey TB-EXB-PO-35
The Exfil Bag was made for people who are always ready. Spread it out on a table and it becomes a small workspace that will fit the most important items: keys, documents, money, and other elements of the EDC set. In the event of an emergency or an emergency, pull the cord sewn into the edges of the bag and it instantly transforms into a simple escape bag. Small items that might fall out can be stored in the flat, zippered pocket inside the bag. Its additional advantages include a very small size after folding and an adjustable carrying.
Č. položky
Utility pouchesRecommended products
Lamnia's green values
Emissions compensation
Greener use of materials
Sources from the nature
Waste utilization
Because it's simple yet important
Informácie o Lamnia
Spoločnosť Lamnia ponúka výber viac ako 5000 štandardných i skladacích nožov. K dispozícii máme stovky fínskych nožov Puukko, skladacích nožov, loveckých nožov a kuchynských nožov tých najlepších svetových značiek, akými sú napr. Spyderco, Böker, Roselli, Fox Cutlery a Cold Steel.