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Ochrana uší Sordin Supreme X2 BT Headband leather Gel vihreä black 302004-10GOchrana uší Sordin Supreme X2 BT Headband leather Gel vihreä black 302004-10G

Ochrana uší Sordin Supreme X2 BT Headband leather Gel vihreä black 302004-10G

$ 525,02

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Supreme X2 BT Headband leather Gel vihreä black

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$ 525,02


$ 0,00

Celkom USD:

$ 525,02*

Celkom EUR:

€ 477,29

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The Sordin Supreme X2 BT level-dependent headset is designed specifically for hunting and shooting. The hearing protector has a high noise attenuation given its slim cup design. The rugged and waterproof design ensures uninterrupted wireless communication using Bluetooth, even in harsh operating conditions. Advanced ambient sound support with a high directional sensitivity lets users quickly and accurately locate ambient sounds, such as commands and instructions, without removing their hearing protector, even in high-noise environments with gunfire.

Main features:
- Robust headband assembly with optional fixed leather or detachable textile cover
- Bluetooth enabled
- Waterproof
- Single-battery solution with auto shutdown (4 h)
- Sound level limitation, max 82 dB(A)
- Short decay time, restoring normal sound instantly after a shot
- Slim cups to fit both left-handed and right-handed shooters and wearers of eyeglasses
- High amplification and natural sound reproduction without chopping and cutting out

Audio Profiles – SORDIN HEAR2:
Human hearing is sensitive to different sound levels and frequencies. The Sordin HEAR2 audio profiles are pre-set ambient sound listening modes, which optimize your sound experience by adapting the gain and frequency to your actual sound environment. You switch easily between audio profiles and each selection is confirmed by voice feedback.

The following audio profiles are included:
Hunter: Medium gain and frequency spectrum
Focus: Low gain and frequency spectrum
Shooter: High gain and frequency spectrum
Ambient off: Ambient sound turned off

Cups, foam inserts: ABS, PU foam
Suspension: Stainless steel and plastic
Headband cover: Leather or textile
Sealing rings: ABS or PVC foil, padding of memory foam or silicone

Technical info:
Battery: 1x 3.7 V 14500 rechargeable
Operating conditions: –32°C to +55°C / –25.6°F to +131°F?
Weight (including battery): 367 grams (models with silicone gel sealing rings)

Sordin Flex:
The Sordin FLEX modular design platform includes accessories enabling reconfiguration of X2 BT Headband, including swapping easily between:
Helmet ARC Rails (mainly for T2 models)
Helmet Rear ARC Rails (mainly for T2 models)

Boom microphone:
Sordin Supreme X2 BT can be equipped with a X2 Flex Com BT communication kit (accessory), optionally mounted left or right.


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12.946 oz

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