Topor pentru spintecat Hachas Jauregi Basque Splitting Axe 2.75kg 75cm, curved bit

163,15 $
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Basque axes are endemic west Pyrenaic Basque lands logger tools. Their roots are lost in history, they have had little influence from abroad, giving us this unique axe pattern. You can find two types of bit, the most curved is the classical one, it's named moon bit (ilargi ahoa) by it's form. It's specialized to get deep without getting stuck in the hard woods you can find in Basque forests. Straighter bit is used for softer woods, this bit type also has the same philosophy, sharp cheeky bit to bite deep and do not get stuck.
Hafting method is unique nowadays, it's safer to use and easiest type to hang you can find. The eye is conical tapered, the handle which has the same form but widens at the top, inserts from the top of the axe head and gets stuck by pressure. If for any reason the head loosens, it won't fly free from the handle, as the handle top is always wider than the head's eye. This hanging method doesn't need any wedge, it uses solid wood handle making it the strongest hanging system.
Jauregi is the last Basque artisan axe maker. His axe heads are casted, then he forges and heat treats each head one by one ensuring each axe quality is at its optimum. Axes are differentiated by their weight:
from 0.6kg to 1.25kg pruning/boy's axes known locally as Biscayne axes
from 1.5kg to 2.25kg felling axes
from 2.5kg to 3kg splitting axes
The steel is %0.45-0.5 carbon steel hardened to 55HRC, handle is made of solid beech.
Nr. articol
Oţel carbon
96.651 oz
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