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Trangia Spirit burner B25

Trangia Spirit burner B25


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Spirit burner B25

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Spirit burner for alcohol-based fuels.
Easy to use due to its simple construction. The simmering ring regulates the heat and is used to save fuel or to extinguish the flame. Works in all weather conditions. In severe cold, a winter attachment can be used. The spirit burner can be used with all Trangia stoves. One filling (max. 2/3 of its maximum volume) will burn for approx. 25 min. Boils 1 litre of water in 10 min (this varies according to weather and quality of fuel).

Use alcohol-based fuel only. The name of fuel varies around the world Tenol eller T-röd (SE), Methylated spirits or bioethanol spirits (UK), Brennspiritus (D), Ethyl alcohol or Denature alcohol (USA), Methyl alcohol or Wood alcohol (AU), Alcool a brûleur (FR), Rødsprit (N & DK), Gedenatureerde alcohol (brandspiritus) (NL), Marinol-100 or Sinol (FI). For more info please read the instructions and see the list of suitable fuels. In Sweden we recommend using Tenol from the brand Kemetyl as a first choice.

The spirit burner can be used in all Trangia stoves 25 Large and 27 Small, Trangia Triangel (Art.no 400333), Open spirit stove (Art.no 100230) and Mini Trangia (Art.no 100285). The burner is made from brass and the wick inside is made from 100% cotton.

• Dimensions: Ø75x42mm
• Output: 1000w


상품 번호



3.88 oz

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