KMFS Vantaedge Integral Multiangle Head
Sharpening system KMFS Vantaedge integral is the latest evolution of sharpening systems.
The biggest change compared to all sharpening systems is the implementation of reverse kinematics, where the system, based on the exact angle on the blade, adjusts the other components of the set so that the angle on the blade is always the same regardless of the depth of the knife clamping.
All this advantages of the system remain, plus additional angle head MULTIANGLE enaible to rise potential of your sharpening kit.
MULTIANGLE head is cappable set sharpening angles 10° – 29°, with 1° increment which are firm held on each blade, during each sharpening.
Packing including:
• Multiangle Head for Vantaedge INTEGRAL ONLY, sharpener not included!
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Lamniaが扱う製品は、5000種類以上ある選りすぐりのナイフや折り畳みナイフです。当社では、SpydercoやBöker、Roselli、Fox Cutlery、Cold Steelなど世界で一流と言われるブランドの数百種類のスカンジナビアナイフや折り畳みナイフ、狩猟用ナイフ、包丁を取り揃えています。