Carson Optics MicroMini Pocket Microscope
12.55 $
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+ "Delivery time is temporarily unknown". We cannot specify when this product will be back in stock. You can sign up for an arrival notification by clicking "Notify when in stock".
+ "Next arrival xx.xx.20xx". This is an estimated date when we are expecting the product to be back in stock. You can sign up for an arrival notification by clicking "Notify when in stock".
+ "Month / 20xx". The exact arrival date is not available, but we are expecting the product to be back in stock in the stated month. You can sign up for an arrival notification by clicking "Notify when in stock".
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Carson Optical was founded in 1990 by Richard Cameron. A former banker, disheartened with Wall Street, Cameron started in his mother's Long Island basement importing and exporting a wide array of product between the US and Japan. The company's first experience with optics came in 1991 when Cameron stumbled upon a unique Electronic Binocular that was manufactured by the now-defunct Copitar Japan. Cameron named his company "Copitar USA" and began cold-calling buyers at national retail chains and writers working for major media publications. Cameron quickly gained placement in mail order catalogs that included The Sharper Image and Orvis. His public-relations efforts gained the company much-needed exposure in media outlets that included the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Popular Science.
Renamed as "Carson Optical", the company grew out of its basement home and leased warehouse space in Huntington, New York. As business flourished, Carson expanded its Binocular offerings and also branched out into related optical categories such as Magnifiers and Microscopes. Cameron realized early on that Carson needed to focus on products that really improved the overall customer experience. This overall philosophy is still what drives Carson today, and has allowed the company to thrive in an industry often dominated by larger marketing driven competitors.
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Because it's simple yet important
Lamniaが扱う製品は、5000種類以上ある選りすぐりのナイフや折り畳みナイフです。当社では、SpydercoやBöker、Roselli、Fox Cutlery、Cold Steelなど世界で一流と言われるブランドの数百種類のスカンジナビアナイフや折り畳みナイフ、狩猟用ナイフ、包丁を取り揃えています。