Knife Pivot Lube Original Knife Oil

13.39 $
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Knife Pivot Lube's Original is a 15 WT, fully-synthetic oil made for use in knives anywhere ultimate long-lasting smoothness is a must.
Pivot Lube™ keeps dirt, metal particles, and grit in suspension™ so they don't cause grinding and premature wear. KPL actually cleans your pivot as you use it.
Original formula in this weight is recommended for all knife uses including:
• On all moving parts of any folding knife
• On flipper-deployed knives
• On detent tracks and bearings
• For knife disassembly, cleaning and lubrication
• As a rust preventive blade coating
• Viscosity - 15WT (Medium)
• Volume - 10mL
• Color: Non-Staining Crimson
• Needle: Length 14mm, Aperture 0.70mm
• Compatibility - all steels and metals, ball bearings, bronze washers, teflon washers, IKBS, MRBS, nylon (nylatron), G10, micarta, titanium
• Washout Resistance - Excellent
• Temperature Rating - -40 F to 400 F
• Volatility: No
• Flammability - No below 400F
• High Pressure Film Stabilizers to prevent metal-on-metal contact under high loading stresses.
• Contaminant Encapsulation technology to keep dirt and grit in suspension™ so they can’t wear away at knife parts.
• Corrosion Inhibitors to keep rust and oxidation at bay
• Wickability Modifiers to help KPL quickly penetrate tight spaces so it gets to where it needs to work instantly.
• Non-Evaporating, non-oxidizing formula won’t dry up, dry out, or gum up inside knives. Ever!
• Lightning fast deployment - silky smooth action - bank-vault lockup.
• Lockface safe, prevents sticking without slippage.
• Non-Toxic formula
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Because it's simple yet important
Lamniaが扱う製品は、5000種類以上ある選りすぐりのナイフや折り畳みナイフです。当社では、SpydercoやBöker、Roselli、Fox Cutlery、Cold Steelなど世界で一流と言われるブランドの数百種類のスカンジナビアナイフや折り畳みナイフ、狩猟用ナイフ、包丁を取り揃えています。