Cold Steel O Tanto Bokken トレーニング剣 CS-92BKKA

21.75 $
定価: 24.99 $You save 3.24 $
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- We have the product in stock, ready for shipping.
130.00 $を越えるご注文の場合は送料無料 | |
1~2営業日以内の迅速発送 | |
14日間の返品期間 気が変わっても大丈夫! 14日以内に、商品を梱包していた箱に未使用の商品を入れた状態なら返品できます。製品の交換または代金の払い戻しを受けることができます。お客さまは商品、お客さまのご住所までの送料および税金(該当する場合)の払い戻しが受けられますが、当社までの送料と取扱手数料は払い戻しの対象となりません。 |
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* 弊社はユーロ建てで代金をいただきます。お客様のお取引銀行が、独自の為替レートによって、通貨換算を行います。お客様がお支払いになる最終的な金額は、上記の見積りと異なる場合があります。
Lamniaでは、130.00 $ーロを超えるお買い上げで送料が無料になります!小包の大きさや重さにかかわらず、ご注文の総額が130.00 $ーロを超えていれば、精算時に送料が追加されることはありません。
当オンラインストアは、256-bit SSLにより暗号化されています。支払いページに移動すると、弊社のパートナーであるPayPalおよびNetsによって、お客様のお支払い手続きの安全性が確保されます。
Our new improved Japanese Training Swords are closely modeled after our world-famous Warrior series swords. Featuring an intricately detailed imitation cord wrap grip - molded in high impact polypropylene - they offer superior grip and comfort as well as more realistic training potential for the modern Martial Artist.
Hundreds of years ago, the Japanese discovered a simple truth; that to become a good swordsman you'll have to practice, a great deal. To become a great swordsman you’ll have to practice with a "live blade". And during the period between "good" and "great", you should spend your time building your skills and confidence enough to wield a razor sharp Katana safely and effectively.
To accomplish this, the Japanese relied on a simple wooden sword called a "bokken" for much of their training. It was made from the super tough wood of the Japanese White Oak, a wood they called Kashi. The swords produced from this wood had the advantage of replicating the size, weight and feel of a steel sword, while minimizing the possibility of causing grievous or permanent injury to those who used it.
Authentic Kashi wood Bokkens are still used today, but are becoming quite costly. They also have the disadvantages, being made of wood, that they may rot, crack split or splinter. Cold Steel's solution to these dilemmas was to design a synthetic substitute, low in price and impervious to the elements.
Our Bokken and our new Wakazashi Bokken are made of the heaviest grade polypropylene available and closely duplicate a real Katana and Wakazashi in length, size, weight and feel. While they're not quite as rigid as wood, they have the advantages of being virtually unbreakable and remarkably stiff and cut resistant.
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Cold Steel O Tanto Bokken トレーニング剣 CS-92BKKA

21.75 $
定価: 24.99 $You save 3.24 $
In stock
- We have the product in stock, ready for shipping.
In stock
- We have the product in stock, ready for shipping.
130.00 $を越えるご注文の場合は送料無料 | |
1~2営業日以内の迅速発送 | |
14日間の返品期間 気が変わっても大丈夫! 14日以内に、商品を梱包していた箱に未使用の商品を入れた状態なら返品できます。製品の交換または代金の払い戻しを受けることができます。お客さまは商品、お客さまのご住所までの送料および税金(該当する場合)の払い戻しが受けられますが、当社までの送料と取扱手数料は払い戻しの対象となりません。 |
合計 USD:
合計 EUR:
* 弊社はユーロ建てで代金をいただきます。お客様のお取引銀行が、独自の為替レートによって、通貨換算を行います。お客様がお支払いになる最終的な金額は、上記の見積りと異なる場合があります。
Lamniaでは、130.00 $ーロを超えるお買い上げで送料が無料になります!小包の大きさや重さにかかわらず、ご注文の総額が130.00 $ーロを超えていれば、精算時に送料が追加されることはありません。
当オンラインストアは、256-bit SSLにより暗号化されています。支払いページに移動すると、弊社のパートナーであるPayPalおよびNetsによって、お客様のお支払い手続きの安全性が確保されます。
Our new improved Japanese Training Swords are closely modeled after our world-famous Warrior series swords. Featuring an intricately detailed imitation cord wrap grip - molded in high impact polypropylene - they offer superior grip and comfort as well as more realistic training potential for the modern Martial Artist.
Hundreds of years ago, the Japanese discovered a simple truth; that to become a good swordsman you'll have to practice, a great deal. To become a great swordsman you’ll have to practice with a "live blade". And during the period between "good" and "great", you should spend your time building your skills and confidence enough to wield a razor sharp Katana safely and effectively.
To accomplish this, the Japanese relied on a simple wooden sword called a "bokken" for much of their training. It was made from the super tough wood of the Japanese White Oak, a wood they called Kashi. The swords produced from this wood had the advantage of replicating the size, weight and feel of a steel sword, while minimizing the possibility of causing grievous or permanent injury to those who used it.
Authentic Kashi wood Bokkens are still used today, but are becoming quite costly. They also have the disadvantages, being made of wood, that they may rot, crack split or splinter. Cold Steel's solution to these dilemmas was to design a synthetic substitute, low in price and impervious to the elements.
Our Bokken and our new Wakazashi Bokken are made of the heaviest grade polypropylene available and closely duplicate a real Katana and Wakazashi in length, size, weight and feel. While they're not quite as rigid as wood, they have the advantages of being virtually unbreakable and remarkably stiff and cut resistant.
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Lamnia's green values
Emissions compensation
Greener use of materials
Sources from the nature
Waste utilization
Because it's simple yet important
Lamniaが扱う製品は、5000種類以上ある選りすぐりのナイフや折り畳みナイフです。当社では、SpydercoやBöker、Roselli、Fox Cutlery、Cold Steelなど世界で一流と言われるブランドの数百種類のスカンジナビアナイフや折り畳みナイフ、狩猟用ナイフ、包丁を取り揃えています。
Lamnia's green values
Emissions compensation
Greener use of materials
Sources from the nature
Waste utilization
Because it's simple yet important
Lamniaが扱う製品は、5000種類以上ある選りすぐりのナイフや折り畳みナイフです。当社では、SpydercoやBöker、Roselli、Fox Cutlery、Cold Steelなど世界で一流と言われるブランドの数百種類のスカンジナビアナイフや折り畳みナイフ、狩猟用ナイフ、包丁を取り揃えています。