Besplatna dostava za narudžbe iznad 130,00 $ u SAD!
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Helikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101AHelikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101A

Helikon-Tex MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black TB-MSB-CD-1101A

119,56 $

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SAD (Sjedinjene Američke Države)



MISSION Bag - Coyote / Black

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Posebna narudžba. Datum isporuke 10-30 Radni dani
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Besplatna dostava po narudžbi iznad 130,00 $

Brza isporuka u roku od 1-2 radna dana

14-dnevni povrat

Information about delivery
U redu je da se predomislite! Možete vratiti neiskorišten artikl u originalnom pakiranju u roku od 14 dana. Možete zamijeniti proizvod ili primiti povrat novca. Povrat robe, utovar za vas i porez (ukoliko je primjenjiv) će vam biti vraćen, međutim, isporuka i otprema nama neće biti vraćena.


Način isporuke:



119,56 $


22,10 $
10,44 $ preostalo do besplatne isporuke!

Ukupno USD:

141,66 $*

Ukupno EUR:


* Naplatit ćemo vam u eurima.Vaša banka preračunat će valutu na osnovi vlastitog deviznog tečaja.Konačni iznos koji plaćate može biti različit od procjene prikazane gore.

Zašto naručiti kod nas?

Besplatna isporuka
Brza distribucija
Skrb za kupice
Sigurno kupovanje
Pravo na povrat


Tactical bag for the shooting range or EDC This product has evolved from the Rangemaster Bag but offers much more versatility. Thanks to its rigid structure, the Mission Bag securely stores not only ammunition and tactical or shooting equipment but also serves as a large EDC organizer. It features a total of seven pockets, with six external ones. The first pocket is a large, rectangular compartment with a zipper. Inside, one side has a simple organizer, while the other side is lined with a soft hook & loop for attaching our VIS series inserts. On the left side is a second, square cargo pocket lined with soft hook & loop, also zippered. The right side features two open pockets with drawstrings. At the back of the bag is a flat hook & loop pocket. The last external pocket is on the flap of the bag and can accommodate items like keys. The interior of the bag is lined with a soft hook & loop, making it fully compatible with inserts from our VIS series. Inside, there is a divider that can be adjusted as needed. Features: bag flap attachment to the car seat bag compatible with the VIS system rubber stabilizing pads.

Tehnički podaci

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Tactical bags

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Specijalnost tvrtke Lamnia je izbor više od 5000 noževa i sklopivih noževa.Donosimo vam stotine finske Puukko noževima, sklopivi noževi, lovački noževi i kuhinjski pribor za jelo od najboljih svjetskih brandova kao što su Spyderco, Böker, Roselli, Fox Cutlery i Cold Steel.
