Besplatna dostava za narudžbe iznad 130,00 $ u SAD!
trustpilot white startrustpilot white startrustpilot white startrustpilot white startrustpilot white starTrustscore 4.8/5 (31562 recenzija)
Šaljemo za 1-2 dana
Lifestraw Personal Peak, dark greyLifestraw Personal Peak, dark greyLifestraw Personal Peak, dark greyLifestraw Personal Peak, dark greyLifestraw Personal Peak, dark greyLifestraw Personal Peak, dark greyLifestraw Personal Peak, dark grey

Lifestraw Personal Peak, dark grey

29,28 $

Ships to:

SAD (Sjedinjene Američke Države)



Personal Peak, dark grey

Artikl #:

Information about delivery
The product availability information is always up to date.

Out of stock
+ "Delivery time is temporarily unknown". We cannot specify when this product will be back in stock. You can sign up for an arrival notification by clicking "Notify when in stock".
+ "Next arrival xx.xx.20xx". This is an estimated date when we are expecting the product to be back in stock. You can sign up for an arrival notification by clicking "Notify when in stock".
+ "Month / 20xx". The exact arrival date is not available, but we are expecting the product to be back in stock in the stated month. You can sign up for an arrival notification by clicking "Notify when in stock".

Trenutno nedostupno. Rok isporuke je privremeno nepoznat
Obavijesti me kad je u skladištu
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Zašto naručiti kod nas?

Besplatna dostava po narudžbi iznad 130,00 $

Brza isporuka u roku od 1-2 radna dana

14-dnevni povrat

Information about delivery
U redu je da se predomislite! Možete vratiti neiskorišten artikl u originalnom pakiranju u roku od 14 dana. Možete zamijeniti proizvod ili primiti povrat novca. Povrat robe, utovar za vas i porez (ukoliko je primjenjiv) će vam biti vraćen, međutim, isporuka i otprema nama neće biti vraćena.


Način isporuke:



29,28 $


17,27 $
100,72 $ preostalo do besplatne isporuke!

Ukupno USD:

46,56 $*

Ukupno EUR:


* Naplatit ćemo vam u eurima.Vaša banka preračunat će valutu na osnovi vlastitog deviznog tečaja.Konačni iznos koji plaćate može biti različit od procjene prikazane gore.

Zašto naručiti kod nas?

Besplatna isporuka
Brza distribucija
Skrb za kupice
Sigurno kupovanje
Pravo na povrat


This ultra-light personal filtration unit is made of sustainable, high-quality materials, has no extra parts to keep track of, and has an improved flow rate. Weighing only 65 grams, you can have 5 years of safe drinking water in the palm of your hand. This is a product that all hikers should have in their pocket. Drink directly from lakes, rivers, and streams or fill up a bottle.

Lifestraw provides protection against bacteria, parasites, microplastics, sediment, sand, and other impurities in the water. Lifestraw products are rigorously tested to meet safety protocols established by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and NSF International/ANSI.

Lifestraw Peak protects against: 99.999999% of bacteria 99.999% of parasites 99.999% of microplastics, sand, sediment, and cloudiness

Improved microfilter performance - a newly redesigned filter helps reduce clogging from sand and sediment for better flow over time
Extreme durability - high-quality materials make Lifestraw tougher and more leak-proof
Ultra-lightweight - it can fit almost anywhere in a backpack or pocket, so you always have it available on your hike
Highly versatile: can also be attached to most water bottles with a detachable threaded loop on the bottom

Tehnički podaci

Artikl #



1.728 oz

Zemlja porijekla:

Južna Koreja

Recommended products

Lifestraw Personal Peak, dark grey | Lamnia
Besplatna dostava za narudžbe iznad 130,00 $ u SAD!
Šaljemo za 1-2 dana
Lifestraw Personal Peak, dark greyLifestraw Personal Peak, dark greyLifestraw Personal Peak, dark greyLifestraw Personal Peak, dark greyLifestraw Personal Peak, dark greyLifestraw Personal Peak, dark greyLifestraw Personal Peak, dark grey

Lifestraw Personal Peak, dark grey

29,28 $

Ships to:

SAD (Sjedinjene Američke Države)



Personal Peak, dark grey

Artikl #:

Information about delivery
The product availability information is always up to date.

Out of stock
+ "Delivery time is temporarily unknown". We cannot specify when this product will be back in stock. You can sign up for an arrival notification by clicking "Notify when in stock".
+ "Next arrival xx.xx.20xx". This is an estimated date when we are expecting the product to be back in stock. You can sign up for an arrival notification by clicking "Notify when in stock".
+ "Month / 20xx". The exact arrival date is not available, but we are expecting the product to be back in stock in the stated month. You can sign up for an arrival notification by clicking "Notify when in stock".

Trenutno nedostupno. Rok isporuke je privremeno nepoznat
Obavijesti me kad je u skladištu
Dodajte na listu želja

Zašto naručiti kod nas?

Besplatna dostava po narudžbi iznad 130,00 $

Brza isporuka u roku od 1-2 radna dana

14-dnevni povrat

Information about delivery
U redu je da se predomislite! Možete vratiti neiskorišten artikl u originalnom pakiranju u roku od 14 dana. Možete zamijeniti proizvod ili primiti povrat novca. Povrat robe, utovar za vas i porez (ukoliko je primjenjiv) će vam biti vraćen, međutim, isporuka i otprema nama neće biti vraćena.


Način isporuke:



29,28 $


17,27 $
100,72 $ preostalo do besplatne isporuke!

Ukupno USD:

46,56 $*

Ukupno EUR:


* Naplatit ćemo vam u eurima.Vaša banka preračunat će valutu na osnovi vlastitog deviznog tečaja.Konačni iznos koji plaćate može biti različit od procjene prikazane gore.

Zašto naručiti kod nas?

Besplatna isporuka
Brza distribucija
Skrb za kupice
Sigurno kupovanje
Pravo na povrat


This ultra-light personal filtration unit is made of sustainable, high-quality materials, has no extra parts to keep track of, and has an improved flow rate. Weighing only 65 grams, you can have 5 years of safe drinking water in the palm of your hand. This is a product that all hikers should have in their pocket. Drink directly from lakes, rivers, and streams or fill up a bottle.

Lifestraw provides protection against bacteria, parasites, microplastics, sediment, sand, and other impurities in the water. Lifestraw products are rigorously tested to meet safety protocols established by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and NSF International/ANSI.

Lifestraw Peak protects against: 99.999999% of bacteria 99.999% of parasites 99.999% of microplastics, sand, sediment, and cloudiness

Improved microfilter performance - a newly redesigned filter helps reduce clogging from sand and sediment for better flow over time
Extreme durability - high-quality materials make Lifestraw tougher and more leak-proof
Ultra-lightweight - it can fit almost anywhere in a backpack or pocket, so you always have it available on your hike
Highly versatile: can also be attached to most water bottles with a detachable threaded loop on the bottom

Tehnički podaci

Artikl #



1.728 oz

Zemlja porijekla:

Južna Koreja

Recommended products

Lamnia's green values



Emissions compensation



Greener use of materials



Sources from the nature

Waste utilization

Waste utilization

Because it's simple yet important

O tvrtki Lamnia

Specijalnost tvrtke Lamnia je izbor više od 5000 noževa i sklopivih noževa.Donosimo vam stotine finske Puukko noževima, sklopivi noževi, lovački noževi i kuhinjski pribor za jelo od najboljih svjetskih brandova kao što su Spyderco, Böker, Roselli, Fox Cutlery i Cold Steel.


Lamnia's green values



Emissions compensation



Greener use of materials



Sources from the nature

Waste utilization

Waste utilization

Because it's simple yet important

O tvrtki Lamnia

Specijalnost tvrtke Lamnia je izbor više od 5000 noževa i sklopivih noževa.Donosimo vam stotine finske Puukko noževima, sklopivi noževi, lovački noževi i kuhinjski pribor za jelo od najboljih svjetskih brandova kao što su Spyderco, Böker, Roselli, Fox Cutlery i Cold Steel.
