Rough Ryder Hawkbill Black Micarta pocket knife

24,26 $
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+ "Delivery time is temporarily unknown". We do not stock this product, and the product is not currently available for order. You can sign up for an availability notification by clicking "Notify when in stock".
Special order
+ "Delivery time xx - xx business days". We do not stock this product. However, you can place an order we will deliver it within the given time frame.
+ "Delivery time is temporarily unknown". We do not stock this product, and the product is not currently available for order. You can sign up for an availability notification by clicking "Notify when in stock".

Custom engraving terms
- The return right of custom engraved items is limited. The engraved item can be returned only due to a clear manufacturing defect. The return must be preapproved by Lamnia. Laser engraving does not void product warranty.- Laser engraving will be done on the left side of knife's blade. In case this side is already occupied by manufacturer's engraving, we will place the engraving on the right side. In case the item is not a knife and there are multiple placement possibilities, please leave your suggestion on the order form.
- The size and the color of the engraving will be determined by our staff to achieve the best possible result.
- Typing errors are of customer's responsibility. We will engrave your input exactly.
Zašto naručiti kod nas?
Besplatna dostava po narudžbi iznad 130,00 $ | |
Brza isporuka u roku od 1-2 radna dana | |
14-dnevni povrat U redu je da se predomislite! Možete vratiti neiskorišten artikl u originalnom pakiranju u roku od 14 dana. Možete zamijeniti proizvod ili primiti povrat novca. Povrat robe, utovar za vas i porez (ukoliko je primjenjiv) će vam biti vraćen, međutim, isporuka i otprema nama neće biti vraćena. |
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Zašto naručiti kod nas?
Lamnia nudi besplatnu isporuku za narudžbe preko 130,00 $! Bez obzira na veličinu ili težinu pošiljke, bez dodatnih troškova isporuke bit će dodani blagajni, ako je vrijednost vaše narudžbe preko 130,00 $.
Narudžbu ćemo vam zapakirati i poslati što prije, obično u roku od 1-2 radna dana.
Ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati našu službu za korisnike putem live chat-a, našeg kontaktnog obrasca ili na e-mail-a!Trudit ćemo se odgovoriti na sve zahtjeve u roku od nekoliko sati tijekom naših radnih dana!
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Classic Carbon II 4" (10.16cm) closed. Mirror finish carbon steel hawkbill blade. Black micarta handle. Nickel silver bolster(s). Inlay shield.
Tehnički podaci
Artikl #
Ugljični čelik
Blade style
Prevlaka oštrice
Mehanizam za zaključavanje
Slip joint
Mehanizam za otvaranje
Urez za otvaranje noktom
2.681 oz
Ukupna dužina:
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Lamnia's green values
Emissions compensation
Greener use of materials
Sources from the nature
Waste utilization
Because it's simple yet important
O tvrtki Lamnia
Specijalnost tvrtke Lamnia je izbor više od 5000 noževa i sklopivih noževa.Donosimo vam stotine finske Puukko noževima, sklopivi noževi, lovački noževi i kuhinjski pribor za jelo od najboljih svjetskih brandova kao što su Spyderco, Böker, Roselli, Fox Cutlery i Cold Steel.