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Primus Lite Plus Stove SystemPrimus Lite Plus Stove SystemPrimus Lite Plus Stove SystemPrimus Lite Plus Stove SystemPrimus Lite Plus Stove SystemPrimus Lite Plus Stove System

Primus Lite Plus Stove System

121,31 $

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Lite Plus Stove System

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121,31 $


20,52 $
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141,83 $*

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A light backpacking stove that is easy to carry

Because of its lightness and ease of packing up and carrying along, this quick stove system is an excellent choice for a companion in outdoor activities and hiking. It is a good tool for heating up water or ready-made meals. Just lock the pot part of 0.5 liters straight into the burner. The burner is attached into the gas cartridge with a standard twist. This ensures that the pot will not fall accidentally.
The lid also functions as a mug. The stove can be used with other pots as well.
The Piezo igniter helps you use the stove safely with a simple press of a button.
The burner with an efficiency of 1500 W can boil 0,5 liters of water as quickly as in under 3 minutes at its fastest. With the flame adjustment working seamlessly, the gas consumption can be regulated with ease.
The stove can be sturdily placed on the ground, but if you cannot find a suitably even spot, you can also use the hanging set to hang it onto a branch.
For this product, the Primus Coffee-Tea Press can be purchased separately in order to make coffee or tea while outdoors.

This system can be packed into the pot part into a compact package with the help of the tightening strap. Easy to use, safe and good for hikers who are precise about their resources, it's an excellent choice for those with no prior experience of backpacking stoves.

Can be used for 1-2 people.
Please note that the gas cartridge is not included!
Available in various colors.

The package includes:
0,5 L pot (aluminum) with an integrated burner (efficiency: 1500 W)
support pegs to be placed under the gas cartridge
hanging set
pot support pegs

Weight: approx. 400 g
Measurements: 21 cm, 11,5 cm

Gas canister not included.


Vare nr.



14.286 oz


Gas stoves

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